Posts Tagged ‘tea’

Tea – An Anti-Aging Superhero

Anti-wrinkle power in every cup

Antioxidants are 25% of the dry weight of tea
They are up to 100 times stronger than Vitamin C or E

Read More… Beauty Benefits Of Green Tea

Study Finds Powerful Health Benefits of Popular Herbal Teas

The three most popular herbal teas in the US – chamomile, peppermint and hibiscus – have been studied for their health benefits by USDA-funded scientists. The results of their research are reported today by

Diane McKay and Jeffrey Blumberg are at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. Both work in the center’s Antioxidants Research Laboratory, which Blumberg directs.

They found that peppermint tea has significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities, and strong antioxidant and anti-tumor properties, and that hibiscus tea helps lower blood pressure. Chamomile had significant effects on preventing platelets to “clump”, which would lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. You can read more in this article in Agriculture Research magazine, where their findings were published.

Although I’m a huge fan of  green tea, I enjoy all kinds of herbal teas, starting with yogi tea. By the afternoon, though, I’m more inclined towards a peppermint or chamomile tea, something without caffeine.

Tea, The Great Brain Booster

I’ve always enjoyed drinking tea.   Tea is definitely stimulating, of course.  But I never feel wired from it, like I do if I drink coffee. Somehow, it seems more complex and relaxing than coffee. I’ve never quite known what to call it. Today’s Science News calls the effect from tea “wakeful relaxation.” Yes!  That’s exactly how I feel – more awake and more relaxed at the same time. Perfect.

It turns out tea has more in it for boosting your brain than just caffeine…

Tea, which people worldwide drink more of than any other beverage except water, is a major dietary source of caffeine. Unlike coffee, it contains another potentially powerful ingredient for brain activity: L-theanine, an amino acid that can alter alpha brain wave rhythms, inducing wakeful relaxation. Science News

Tea has been found to increase executive function, which is defined as “the ability to perform complex tasks that rely on planning or decision making.” That’s quite a bonus for a drink that’s just packed with health and beauty benefits.

You can read about other ways to boost your brain in the Science News post. I’ve decided to put the kettle on.

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