Archive for the ‘Organic’ Category

New Mom Or Mommie-To-Be?

10527508_577699322341034_1262692141597048527_nAmanda Reade writes about being glamorous while becoming a mom.

She covers all things beauty – natural and organic – for you and your baby.

She knows how much time it takes to find the best, safe products and shares her experience with them and her daily life as a new mom.

She writes in her blog…

“I know that not everyone has that time, so I want to share those products, tips and deals. I also want to share things I wish I’d known and what I’ve learned on this new journey – all in hopes that it may help other mommies/mommies-to-be in deciding what to buy or choices to make (or NOT make). Or if anything, they can get a good laugh or shed a similar tear.”

If you are a new mom or mommie-to-be, you can learn from Amanda’s journey by following her blog – Sparkles and Spitup – which says it all!


Organic? You still need to read the ingredients.

Just because a product is “organic” doesn’t mean it is good for you. Gabriella Boston’s article in today’s Washington Post  points out that products can be organic and still contain large amounts of things that don’t do us much good – like sugar – and that if we do not pay attention to the ingredient list on the label, and become complacent because a product is “organic,” we could be missing the larger point – that it contains ingredients we are better off without. bigstock-Kale-And-Juice-32151686

This applies especially to skincare. For example, one of the very few effective preservatives permitted by the USDA’s Organic Standard is alcohol, and alcohol has to make up about 14% of a product’s content for it to work as a preservative. Just because it is organic alcohol does not make it good for skin, especially dry skin. So, like sugar in organic food products, there can be ingredients in organic skincare products that we would be better off without. Paying attention to ingredients remains key, whether a product is “organic” or not.

(You can read the Washington Post article by clicking here, or on the image above.)

Simple Care, Luminous Skin