The difference bacteria can make to your skin…

Here’s a review of a new skincare line designed to introduce a better class of bacteria to your face. The author said she saw a big improvement in her skin after using it for a few weeks.
The O2D-Biotic range is a new concept in skincare and is based on ‘yoghurt ferments’ – kind of like acidophilus for your skin. Working on the same principle as acidophilus for your gut, the idea is that the ferments help to restore your natural skin flora.

It’s an interesting approach, especially considering the recent finding that bacteria on the skin can cause significant issues inside the body.

“A bacterium which causes acne and is commonly found on the skin, is now known to cause infections all over the body. Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) has been associated with infections of artificial joints and heart valves (endocarditis), as well as eye infections and chest infections — which are common at this time of year.”

It doesn’t seem like a stretch to suppose that the right bacteria on our skin can improve its appearance. We’ll be hearing more about skin biotics, I’m sure.

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