Making Changes That Last Beyond January

Now is when ambitious New Year’s resolutions start to lose their allure, and our  leap forward into a healthier and happier life can look like way too much work.

So this post in is particularly timely.

Don’t despair. There are many baby steps you can take to be healthier, ways that are super simple to incorporate into your day to day. We checked in with the experts for what new healthy habits they recommend incorporating into your life.

The emphasis is on “baby steps” and “simple.”  These are things you can do easily, every day.  And they work.  The first habit they recommend is starting the day with a large glass of water.  What could be easier than that?  You’ll be surprised what a difference it can make.

Check out the post for 4 other simple changes you can make that will build your wellness, slowly, easily and reliably.


“… a way we to tend to sabotage ourselves is by trying to suddenly, instantly, magically become a whole new person with completely new habits and a totally new lifestyle from one day to the next. POOF! Just like that. It’s like we’re just sticking new habits on top of ourselves with duct tape, hoping it’ll stick for good,” writes Ginger Viera, cognitive scientist.

Slow and steady is the way to go. It applies to skin care, too.  Simple care, for 3 or 4 minutes every day, is all it takes to have great skin. No heroics required.

How To Tell If You Are Eating Your Beauty Food

A good way to see what to eat for beauty is by looking at what manufacturers put into cosmetic and skincare products.

They just love to tell us about the vitamins they have added,  or the antioxidants, or the omega-3 oils, or the minerals.  It’s as if these are exotic ingredients they have  just discovered.  For instance, Dr. Perricone’s  Concentrated Restorative Treatment  “is formulated with high levels of Vitamin C”  and his Face Finishing Moisturizer is “formulated with powerful antioxidants.”

Vitamins and antioxidants are found in abundance in everyday foods, of course.  But somehow, they become glamorous (and  costly) when they are included in skincare products.

One of my favorite beauty foods is cabbage. Nothing particularly glamorous about cabbage, I agree, but it is packed with skin-friendly goodies at a fraction the cost we pay for the same things in skincare formulations. Green leafy vegetables, brightly colored vegetables, and tea, especially white tea and green tea, are all similarly packed with antioxidants known to improve the condition of the skin – whether we eat or drink them, or put them directly onto our skin.

The same goes for olive oil and fish oils. Take sardines, for instance, another humble food, but one that is rich with omega-3 oils vital for healthy, glowing skin. Beans (high in zinc) and eggs, garlic and onions (high in sulfur) all deliver specific benefits for the skin at a fraction the cost of the same ingredients when present in the tiny quantities provided in specially-formulated skincare products.

The foods that are good for our beauty — fresh fruits, a variety of vegetables, oily fish like sardines and salmon, plus staples like beans and eggs — are also basic to being healthy and having abundant energy. There is nothing surprising about that.

The skin has the same needs as the rest of the organs of the body. It needs to be protected from free radicals and inflammation, and to be provided the basic building blocks that enable it to create new, healthy cells.

The rest of the body is nourished via the mouth. The skin can be nourished in just the same way.  Once the nutrition is in place, we have a program that builds healthy, beautiful skin from the inside. We then need only simple care for our skin – a good cleanser, moisturizer, toner, and exfoliant are all that it takes.

The difference bacteria can make to your skin…

Here’s a review of a new skincare line designed to introduce a better class of bacteria to your face. The author said she saw a big improvement in her skin after using it for a few weeks.
The O2D-Biotic range is a new concept in skincare and is based on ‘yoghurt ferments’ – kind of like acidophilus for your skin. Working on the same principle as acidophilus for your gut, the idea is that the ferments help to restore your natural skin flora.

It’s an interesting approach, especially considering the recent finding that bacteria on the skin can cause significant issues inside the body.

“A bacterium which causes acne and is commonly found on the skin, is now known to cause infections all over the body. Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) has been associated with infections of artificial joints and heart valves (endocarditis), as well as eye infections and chest infections — which are common at this time of year.”

It doesn’t seem like a stretch to suppose that the right bacteria on our skin can improve its appearance. We’ll be hearing more about skin biotics, I’m sure.

Do You Really Need Different Skincare Products For Different Parts Of Your Face?

I use the same products all over my face.  I don’t use anything special around my eyes, or anywhere else. If a product is too harsh for sensitive skin around my eyes, then I don’t want to use it anywhere on my face.

In fact, I have found that high-quality products work just as well on my cheeks as around my eyes, and everywhere else, so there just isn’t the need for different products for here or there – so long as the products I use are really good.

On top of that, there is not much evidence that anti-aging creams and serums do any more for our skin than a good moisturizer will do.  There’s another whole set of products that are not needed, given a good moisturizer!

Yet the general view is more like this…

Instead of just using a skin care cream for your entire face, you need to take a look at the areas of your face that need more care. Good anti aging skin care products are those that not only consist of cleansers and toners to help erase lines and make your skin more supple, but also those that will focus on areas of the face that need more care. These include the eyes and throat as well as the face. Some areas of the face and body need more attention than others. Good natural skin care products consist of sets that allow for all areas to be covered. World News Today

I meet women every day who are convinced they need an elaborate skincare routine, using lots of products. They’ve bought into the idea that more is better.

I’m a big fan of simple care.  It’s quick, easy, and affordable. And, with the right products, the results can be spectacular.

Green Tea – Not Just For A Pretty Face

Green tea is a marvel, full of beauty benefits.  There is anti-wrinkle power in every cup, as well as protection against other forms of aging, including skin cancer.  And there are extensive overall health benefits as well, including protection from cancer, diabetes, and stroke.

A recent study by the University of Newcastle in the UK found that the healing compounds  in green tea can protect against Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

The scientists looked at the effects of green tea after it had been digested, to make sure the benefits remained after drinking.  They found it got even better.

“When green tea is digested by enzymes in the gut, the resulting chemicals are actually more effective against key triggers of Alzheimer’s development than the undigested form of the tea… In addition to this, we also found the digested compounds had anti-cancer properties, significantly slowing down the growth of the tumor cells which we were using in our experiments.”
Science Daily

Dry Skin Brushing – How, When & Why To Do It

Here is a good post about dry skin brushing.  It describes why and how to do it and how often.   It suggests including a drop of essential oil on the brush.  I’ve not done that before, but will try it out.  Could be fun.  Here is how I do dry skin brushing.

Dry skin brushing is a great way to keep the skin healthy, soft, and smooth. I’ve made it a habit to dry brush my skin before I take my showers.  It is important that the skin is dry to create friction, since water acts as a lubricant and reduces the effect. Make sure you use a natural bristled brush. A brush made of nylon tears the skin, and it also disturbs the electro-magnetic balance. The natural bristles seem harsh and stiff at first, but they will soften up after being used for a while.

White Tea Has Anti-Wrinkle Power In Every Cup

Tea is the most popular drink on the planet, after water.  Its health and beauty benefits are amazing.  However you drink it – black, green or white –  tea will do you a power of good. But evidence is mounting that white tea is the best of all. It turns out there is anti-wrinkle power in every cup.

New studies have found that white tea is 10% more effective in preserving healthy skin than green tea.

“We found the application of white tea extract protects critical elements of the skin’s immune system,” says Elma Baron, MD, Director of the Skin Study Center at University Hospitals of Cleveland and Case Western Reserve University.  Dr. Baron says. “Similar to the way oxidation causes a car to rust, oxidative stress of the skin causes a breakdown in cellular strength and function. The white tea extract protects against this stress. This study further demonstrates the importance of researching how plant products can actually protect the skin.” Essential U Blog

A recent study at Kingston University in the UK found that white tea slowed the breakdown of elastin and collagen.

The researchers were blown away by exactly how well the white tea had performed. “We were testing very small amounts far less than you would find in a drink,” Professor Naughton, one of the country’s leading specialists on inflammation, said. “The early indicators are that white tea reduces the risk of inflammation which is characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis and some cancers as well as wrinkles.” Science Daily

Whether you drink it, or put it onto your skin, tea is a beauty food of the first order. And white tea seems to be the best of all.  So I use white tea in this yogi tea recipe that I make every day. I wouldn’t be without it!

How To Tone Your Skin

I use a facial toner every morning, right after cleansing.  It washes away traces of soap, dirt, and grime by causing the pores of my skin to contract and push out any debris that has been left behind.  It leaves my skin looking smoother and feeling refreshed, and it only takes a few seconds.  I just dab the toner over my face and let it dry, before moisturizing.

There is a good post about toners on the SkinCareihub

A toner that is capable of restoring the ph balance of your skin will make it look attractive, lustrous and healthy. Toners also help to minimize skin pores. Pores that have shrunk in size will make the skin appear bright and fresh.

The post includes recipes for making toners from ingredients you will find in your kitchen.  Apple cider vinegar is highly recommended – but not everyone is going to be thrilled with the smell!  Organic rose water is a terrific option.  What not to use in a toner?  Alcohol – it is far too drying.

How To Tell If You Are Exfoliating Too Much

Exfoliating is an essential part of dry skin care, but like most things, it can be overdone.

I recommend a 30-second session, twice a week, with a mild, natural exfoliant. No more than that.

However, some people may exfoliate too often, or they may exfoliate when they have been out in the sun, or when they have had another kind of facial treatment.   Scrubbing too hard can be an issue as well.

All of which raises the question – how do you know if you are exfoliating too much?

5 Signs Your Are Exfoliating Too Much

The Toronto Cosmetic Clinic posted these 5 signs to watch for:

1. Your skin has dry patches or feels drier all over than it’s ever been.
2. Your skin is more sensitive than it’s ever been, reacting faster to the elements, stress and other irritants.
3. Your skin is itchy.
4. Your skin is plagued by redness.
5. You’ve noticed that you’ve developed a lot of acne and inflammation recently.

If you are seeing any of these 5 signs, you may be exfoliating too much.  You may also be using an exfoliant that is too harsh for your skin.

For Best Results

Use an exfoliant that is formulated to also moisturize your skin.

Exfoliate no more than twice a week.

Exfoliate gently.

Never exfoliate when your skin is stressed.

Related Articles

How To Exfoliate

The Best Exfoliant For Dry Skin

When Not To Exfoliate

Dry Skin Brushing

How To Tell If You Are Exfoliating Too Much

Easy Way To Make Sauerkraut

Cabbage is my number one beauty food.  It’s great for the skin.  I like to eat 4 servings a week.

Through the winter, I eat it mainly in soup (here is my favorite cabbage soup recipe), but I’ve been planning to start making sauerkraut so I can eat it whenever I feel like.  I put it off because it seemed like a bit of a project, involving special equipment and ongoing attention.  But a friend just showed me how she is making delicious sauerkraut from red and white cabbage without any special equipment – just with a couple of mason jars – and it’s really easy.

I’m getting started after the Farmers’ Market tomorrow.

Simple Care, Luminous Skin